Friday, December 26, 2014

30 Weeks gestation!

Merry Christmas!
Blakelyn has been doing amazing overall this past week. She is now up to 2lb 8oz (1130gr). Every time the doctor comes in and checks in on her they say "Not much to say, she is always doing pretty good just needs to grow." As you all can see she has changed so much this past month or even a few weeks.
Her oxygen levels are still kind of all over the place but they are doing better then they were a few weeks ago. The oxygen stuff will get better with age and that means time. She is now up to eating and digesting 22cc in full. That is going to help give her neck and airway the support it need to get the best oxygen possible. Overall this past week has been boring but we love boring, that means no bad news.
Her nurse last night told us that pretty much from here on out we are in the clear of the worst and its all up hill from here. We are so lucky to have been on the roller coaster ride we have been on. We have had it pretty easy compared to what it could have been. Our ride has brought Ben and I closer then we could have ever imagined. 

Santa did find his way in to NICU for Princess Blakelyn. The nurses all said she is very spoiled but I like to say she is super loved!!!!! This Christmas has been the most different but exciting. Even though she is in a bubble it is still fun to stuff her first stalking of many! We love being parents to her. Please keep sending prayers and good vibes our way. We have lots of growing and fattening up to do so we can bring her home.
Thank you for all the love and support we have gotten over the holidays. It has definitely been one for the books.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

When It All Started...

The Night Before...
I thought it would be good to let everyone know how all this started.
This was my bump the night before.
Ben and I went out to Salt Lake to hang out with friends Friday night November 21st. We had gotten home at 2:30 am after a late night movie. During the movie Blakelyn was kicking and being her normal sassy self. Once we had got home and fallen asleep I woke up at 4:30 am to go to the bathroom. Sat on the toiley and once I thought I was done peeing I noticed it wasn't stopping... I thought humm weird. Well 15 minutes had passed and I could finally get off and back to bed. In bed every time I would move I would "pee" myself. I was thinking ugh this is so annoying I hope this isn't one of the joys to being pregnant. So that night I battled getting in and out of bed running to the toilet.
Saturday I called my mom telling her what had happened that night. She said it sounds like frequent urination. I looked it up and it is something very common with pregnancy. As the day goes on I could tell something was off. Blakelyn wasn't kicking me like normal. I had tried Orange juice, Ice Cream, pushing at her all the things that normally work. Nope nothing. I then started to panic thinking.. what is wrong, is she dead? Then I felt guilty thinking those things. I decided to call the PA on call at my doctors office and see what she says to do. She tells me it sounds like you have a UTI and that I should go to an Urgent care and test my pee. Oh great I bet nothing is wrong and here goes a chunk of change, I bet everything will be fine. The PA at urgent care said it looks like my white blood cell count is high which means an infection or UTI along with all my other symptoms. After that I all I wanted to do was hear her heart beat and feel better about her in there. But nope they didn't have the equipment to hear fetuses heart beats. I did get to feel her kick one time waiting for the doctor to come in after all day of worrying and not feeling her kick or move. After our visit there he gave me antibiotics and sent us on our way.
Sunday rolls around. I peed myself off and on all night and day. I felt her kick a few times but nothing like what she normally would do in the past. I had people telling me she is probably stressed because I had a UTI and I was stressing myself.
Monday then comes around I still could tell things weren't right. I called my doctor office and tell then what happened over the weekend. We had an appointment Tuesday so the just bumped it up to Monday. I pick up Ben from work like we do for a normal appointments and check in. We get in the room and the PA comes in. We tell her whats been going on. She says ok.. well lets check baby and check whats been going on. FINALLY..... we hear her heart beat, she sounds like a healthy baby and measured exactly to date. She then goes in to check my (you know what) I tell her "just so you know I peed all over the bed" She pulls up the sheet and says... UMMMMM that is a lot of fluid, I am not sure if that is urine. My heart drops. She goes to get the fluid kit to check what kind of fluid it is. It wasn't urine it was amniotic. Well the worst thing happened.. My water had broke. I start thinking... how could that happen I am only 25 weeks pregnant, I have been milking this crap out and not doing anything I shouldn't be, what did I do wrong.... so on. Ben and I both burst into tears. Why us, how we going to get through this one. The doctor on call in the office comes into the room to let us know whats going to happen. He goes on to tell us, if we end up delivering now our baby will probably be special, I am going to have to be on bed rest at the hospital till I do deliver but we can deliver at 25 weeks. He checks us into labor and delivery at Logan and sends us on our way. I get rolled over to labor and deliver at Logan regional and they say we are going to be life flighted to ogden regional or the U. They are level 3 NICUs that takes our insurance. After telling our parents whats going on and crying more then I have in my whole life we get an ambulance ride to Ogden Regional and check in at 6:30pm.
The nurses and doctor tell me women stay pregnant for weeks with their water broken. So I was going to be on bed rest for as long as I could keep her in me. hahah that didn't work out for us.
Both of our families made it there and we were talking about life and what our lives were going to be like over the next few months. While talking I could tell something was up. I started getting more contractions. The nurse said they weren't long or close enough to be labor contractions and to breath through them. was just my body thinking it was time for a baby and we needed to trick my body into thinking we are not having a baby yet. Our families leave around 1:00 am thinking all was well and they would be back in the morning.
The doctor gives me some pain meds so I can sleep. They worked for about 30 minutes. I paged them in pain asking for more. The nurse said I just has some a little ago and to wait and she can give me some more. I waited in pain and finally she comes in at 1:45ish and gives me more.
 The next thing I remember is it was 2:31am and my back hurt so bad. My contractions were less then a minute apart and getting stronger and closer together. I finally woke Ben up and told him something wasn't right. I swear I could feel her head starting to come out. I then page the nurse yelling, cussing and swearing in pain. They all come running in and say it's time.... They throw Ben his outfit to put on and start running me down the hall. I remember feeling her head coming and yell ''I can feel her coming" they tell me to not push, wait. All I wanted was Ben by me and I couldn't see him. He was behind us trying to put the outfit on and run down the hall. We make it in to the OR and the fun began. They get me over to the table and next thing I know Ben is saying... "oh no, I don't feel so good. I think I am going to throw up.... oh no I am going to pass out." The nurses bring him a chair and orange juice. His color starts to come back and then it was time to push. I got half way through the push and stop. The pain was unlike anything in my life. The doctor and nurse tell me keep going she is almost out. I give it one last push and out she was. All I wanted was to see her and know she was real. I get one glance and off she went to the NICU.
My placenta was super infected so the doctor had to go in and scrape it off my uterus wall. That was almost worse then giving natural birth. Once that was all done I could finally tell the pain meds were kicking in. We leave the OR and my mom was out in the hall outside the doors. I remember crying and telling her all drugged up I had my baby. Like she didn't already know. hahahah
After all that we find out I had a bad infection which caused my water to break. It was nothing I did wrong or could have prevented. No rhyme or reason to why it happened. It was a relief knowing I didn't personally do anything wrong.

"Keep your head up high, God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers."  


Friday, December 19, 2014

29 Weeks Gestation

1/3 Way there...
Another week to check off. Blakelyn has been doing great overall this past week. She was struggling with keeping up her oxygen levels up was the biggest problem to try and fix this week. They turned up the pressure of air flow from 2 to 3.5 to 4.0 now and if that wasn't going to work we were going to be thinking about going a step back to a CPAP. The  3.0 and 3.5 didn't help much but once they turned it up to the highest/last option 4.0 it seemed to make the change we were looking for. Ben and I are constantly impressed with her. At her age and size she is doing the best she could be doing. Blakelyn as of today is up to 2lb 2oz (970 grams). She is starting to look more and more chubby each day. The nurses are staring to get a flavor of her sassiness. She is starting to be more aware of all the cords and leads around her. She loves pulling out her oxygen keeping the nurses busy. Ben and I think this is just the beginning of the things yet to come.
 Ben got to hold her over her bed for the first time yesterday while the nurse changed her bedding after she peed all over the old one. (the picture above^) Ben felt happy, overwhelmed with the chance to feel like her parent more and more with the new things we get to experience. Things that are normal to other parents are definitely more special with having a micro preemie parent. We love getting to do more with her and feel like HER parents. 
Lastly... This week I started back at work needing to save my maternity leave for when she gets to finally come home. It has not been the high light of my week. Each night Ben and I get to go visit her together. After our visit is over I hate leaving. It goes by way to quickly. It is getting more normal but it is hard. I hate leaving her but I also know she is in good hands. I need to believe in the nurses and Doctors to help make her healthy enough for us to take her home and thrive in this big world. I love being her mommy... This experience has gave Ben and I a new spark of faith and belief. We know and feel all the prayers that are being sent our little families way!!!!
Blakelyn Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you. We cherish each moment we get with you. We are so amazed how strong you are. We love you itty bitty sassy pants. 

Sunday, December 14, 2014

28 Weeks Gestation!!

Getting Bigger
Well we are almost 3 weeks in to our roller coaster...
Blakelyn is still fighting hard!! She is showing us who is boss. This past week we have had lots of little changes. Blakelyn is now on a 24 calorie feeding which most babies her age/size have a really hard time digesting but good for her to gain the weight she needs to. She has been amazing us with that change. She is digesting all her feeding and is now up to 17cc 24 cal feeding and doing amazing. The doctor also started her on vitamins to help her grow nice and strong. They are giving her the extra vitamins she isn't getting from breast milk. After she got started on the vitamins she seemed to not handle those so well. The nurse told me they taste ucky and tend to come back up a little. After a few days into the vitamins she has been doing lots better.
Blakelyn's blood transfusion did what it needed to. Her blood count is back up to normal and I didn't notice before she was pail and her skin color is now nice and pink. This week we have gotten to hold her more by doing the kangaroo care. We have our very own reclining chair the nurse brought in from the labor and deliver section. One advantage of us being stuck here so long. We are getting special care. And this momma isn't scared to ask for special care. By the end of our stay here they are going to be glad to get rid of us. hahahaha

We now have the art of getting bows to stay in I think. It is fun to feel more like her mom by picking out the fun stuff that comes with have a girl. Most of the time her bows stay in 10 minutes or so. I got a bow to stay in for almost 24 hours. Last bit of good news... Today Blakelyn got up to 2 pounds!!! FINALLY!!!!!!! We were so happy she is getting bigger gram by gram.
Overall we have had a good week!!! Blakelyn is a sassy fighter. We love being her parents and are so proud she is our daughter!!!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Hello World...

So far so good!!
Blakelyn's blood transfusion went well. I didn't realize how pail she was looking till I saw her the day after and she is now back to her cute pink self. The transfusion has done its job so far. Her destats have decreased lots and her blood is carrying enough oxygen. Blakelyn is now digesting 16cc of fortified breast milk. The milk is now at a 24 calorie vs the 19 normal breast milk is at. We hope she continues to digest the calories well and start getting some fat on her. This picture doesn't do her size justice... she is so tiny still and has lots of growing to do. Blakelyn is now up to 1lb 13oz... We are going to have a party when she finally hits 2lbs. We are loving seeing both her eyes open now and looking around at all the bright lights around in this big world.
Thank you to everyone for all the love and support. We are so blessed and cant express how grateful we are for everything you all are doing for us...

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

First time for everything

Blood Transfusion
Today Blakelyn got her first blood transfusion. 
The transfusion is 18ml of donor blood given over 3 hours. Her blood type is A+ and the donor blood is O- which is the universal donor blood type. This is her first of 3 or 4 transfusions in our stay here at the NICU!!!
  The reason why she is getting it is because she is starting to destat more then normal. Her oxygen levels are all over the place and her A, B blood count is starting to get low. The doctor is hoping this will help keep her stable and replace all the blood they need to take out. They have to take lots of blood out for all her testing. Her body cant make enough blood to keep up with the blood they are taking. I am just grateful first off that we had the nurse we did today to help keep me calm through this process and help answer my 100's of questions. It is crazy how Ben and I are developing these relationships with all the people around us and how we really rely on them. 
So far the transfusion is going well I will post again and let everyone know how it goes in a few days. But overall Blakelyn is really doing great the doctors are just trying to stay a few steps ahead of her so she stays on a good healthy path. We are greatful she is a fighter and is doing as good as she is.
(the IV in her head is where the blood is going in)

Monday, December 8, 2014

Daddy Skin to Skin!!

Daddy Daughter time!!
Saturday night 12/6/14 Ben got to hold Blakelyn for the very first time. He loved feeling like her daddy. I am so amazed with Ben and the kind of dad he has become. Our situation isn't easy and defiantly tests us each and every day. Watching Ben with her was the best medicine this mommy needed. When her heart rate dropped Ben was so calm talking to her telling her he was there for her and it was going to be ok! Melts my heart.
Ben was also telling Blakelyn "You want a baby brother one day?" I kid you not she started to cry... "Ok if you want a baby sister daddy will be ok with it!" and she calmed right down. Oh my goodness..... Ben and I started to crack up laughing. Blakelyn is so wrapped around his little finger.
I can not put into words how much I love my little family! Ben is the most amazing dad, husband, and best friend. Thank you to everyone for the love and support we are getting! We are so lucky to live where we do and have the relationships we have. Thank you. <3

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Best Day Yet!

Skin on Skin for the very first Time
This roller Coaster ride is real!!!! One day you think you can never make it through and the next day you cant stop smiling!
Yesterday night 12/5/14 I got to hold Blakelyn for the very first time. It was the most amazing experience ever. I finally got the feeling of... This girl is MINE, she is my child and I am her mommy and Ben and I made this sweet miracle. My heart melted I bawled my eyes out for 2 minutes. Then after I was done crying out of joy I felt so calm. She was doing great keeping her vitals all up and normal.
 I know this road isn't going to always be this good but I am going to hang on the feeling I felt when I had her in my arms for the first time. The thing about having a micro preemie baby is all these things that are normal for others are extra special for us. It took us 10 days to have her in good enough condition and daddy here to get to finally do this.
We love being her parents and love the things she has already taught us and continues to teach us each day!!!

The Ride Of Our Lives!!

The Calm Before the first storm
Thursday night was a great night. Blakelyn was holding strong. We got to put on her first bow of many. It was so nice to finally see her at peace and looking like a girl!
Friday morning mom got to the hospital for the first 8:00 am visit. The nurse didn't have great news. She told me that she had lots of episodes of sleep apnea. Those are common for a baby her size but they were concerned that it was her telling us that something was going on because of how many she had through the night. The doctor decided to stop her feedings, start a new IV and give her sugar and fats through the IV. Blakelyn's white blood cell count came back a little off but not bad so to stay one step ahead of her they started up more antibiotics. I was thinking OK sounds great I know there is going to be set backs I just need to be strong for her.
I came back for the 11:00 am changing and the nurse had more bad news. Her IV had blown and they were going to have to try for another one so they can give her her feedings and meds. I was still thinking Ok our road is bumpy today be strong. I left for festival of trees and the nurse said she was going to call and let me know when the IV was in and they were back on track. Well 45min passed and I had got no phone call. I then called the NICU asking how it was going. She told me they cant get a IV to take. My heart dropped... My mind stared racing... how are they going to feed her, what about the infection, how are they going to get the antibiotics to her, how was she feeling with all the pokes of trying for IV's? The nurse then asked me for my consent for them to try for a picc line. Then my mind goes to anger. Why the heck did they take the one out 2 days go?  I told them if that's what will be best then yes. I was also thinking I hope Ben is ok with me making that decision. After I get off the phone with the NICU I called Ben telling him whats going on. He was pretty calm and told me to keep him posted on the news of the picc line. Well... 1hr 41min passed. NO phone call. I start to freak out even more. I then give them a second call. No luck with the picc line yet. They had tried 2 different times. They give 2 different nurses 2 tries each to get a picc line to work. I start to break down even harder into tears.  My poor baby girl of only 1lb 11oz has no idea why all this is happening. I couldn't get it out of my mind. I wanted so badly trade her places. Let them poke me all they want to and I have a bad fear of needles.
I then call Ben and tell them whats going on. He starts to go through his own emotions. He decides to leave work in Logan and head down to the Hospital. I then start to feel guilty for  even leaving her. Why was today the day I decide to go out and do something a little more normal??? I then tell my mom I can stay and she said she understands and we turn around and head right back to Ogden.
I get to the hospital. Ben and his mom are there and I am wondering how things are going. Now they are thinking they are going to have better luck with an IV again. UGH!!! This roller coaster ride is not fun. It felt like forever sitting outside the NICU waiting to hear how it all is going! Blakelyn's nurse comes out and says they finally got a IV to take. Its on the side of her head which I guess is a less painful place and normally a better choice. But the doctor comes out and says that one didn't take. They are going to try again. So dumb why is all this happening to her. She is a fragile thing what is all this going to do to her vitals? They finally got another one to stay in her leg and they then started her fluids and antibiotics. We sat and talked with the Head Nurse of the NICU and got a good explanation of this roller coaster ride. We felt so much better with life at that moment.
Ben and I went in and saw Blakelyn... we both felt at peace when we are there with her. Our family feels complete.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Yummy Milk Time

Blakelyn is a little fighter.
All the nurses and doctors are floored so far. They keep telling me how well she is doing, and that she is the poster child for a 25 week gestation baby. Her mom and dad must be the best combination to make a fighting, sassy little miracle.
Blakelyn is eating through a feeding tube down her throat. She is up to digesting 16cc of mommy's milk. Yesterday they started adding a powder to the milk to add calories to the milk to help her gain weight. Breastmilk has 19 calories in it so by adding the powder it bumps it up to 22 calories. Sometimes the babies have a hard time digesting the powder they add to the milk. The nurses just keep a close eye on how her stomach measures, and what color the skin is like on her stomach. So far she is doing great. If she tolerates it they will bump the calories up to 24 and that will be the max.
Our little girl never stops to amaze me. There are always a few bumps we have to overcome and get use to. They tell you its a roller coaster but its hard to grasp what they mean till your in that cart on the ride.
Ben and I want to say thank you so much for all the love and support we have been getting. Its amazing. We are so blessed to live where we do and to have the friends and family we have. We can feel all the prayers and good vibes sent our way. I know Blakelyn can feel the love even though she is so tiny. She is fighting harder each day.
Thank you everyone for the love and support. 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

First debut!

Blakelyn Elaine Broadhead
Born November 25th 2014 @ 2:51am
1lb 11oz 13in long