Saturday, February 21, 2015

37 weeks gestation

First week home
It is so crazy how fast this past week has flown by but at the same time dragged on. No one can prepare you for parenthood. The joy of being a parent along with the sleep deprivation.
I love my bouncer
Blakelyn has been a really good baby overall. She sleeps, eats, and poops; haha We are all still learning each other. When she sleeps she is not quiet, she coos, and grunts. The key to a good sleep is a good swaddle which is an art in its self. She is one strong diva and can get out of almost every swaddle we do. Nights are filled with worrying. Every noise she makes we are thinking she is unhappy and not sleeping but she is. The nights that are filled with silence we worry about her breathing and SIDS. Our nights of deep sleep is now over. In the middle of the night I wake up thinking I fell asleep with my pump attached and my nipples are going to be raw and will loose my milk. People tell you once you have a child you are going to have crazy dreams.... that is so true!
Blakelyn loves her swing and vibrating bouncer along with country music. She is too big for preemie clothes but the up to 7lb newborn clothes are too big also. Either she is drowning in her clothes or a little tight. We just need her to gain weight so she can fit in all the cute outfits we have waiting for her.
"I'm an angle, I'm an angle"
We have been to the doctors 2 times our first week home. We go for weight checks and seeing if she is on track. Blakelyn weighs 5lb 7oz and is 18 1/2in long she is in the 3% for weight, height, head for a 2 1/2 month old. That's not bad at all because technically she is -3 weeks gestation instead of 2 months old. I am surprised she is on the percentile at all. I am glad we went with the doctor we went with. He is super helpful and answers our millions of questions and we don't feel judged by having so many questions. Having a NICU baby is scary because we know what can go wrong. Good thing she is more durable then we think. I know they wouldn't have sent us home if she wasn't stable enough to have US be in charge.
We are getting use to our new normal and love every minute of it.

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